deadpool Rules:
deadpool is a training alliance for the Coalition of Deadpool Alliances (CODA), players with 500+ crowns can transfer to other alliances in the coalition (players with sufficient crowns may also be transferred by being kicked from one alliance and invited to another, so please let us know in chat if you wish to remain at deadpool permanently, or you may be transferred). Other rules are:
Donate only horses to your age level and below.
Help us build wonders.
Share replays/retrys for others to learn from.
Help other players with advice, support, etc.
If you need help, ask for it in chat.
Those that contribute by doing all of the above might be promoted to Lord.
Inactive 14 days=Kick!
Most of all, have fun!!!
Emperor of deadpool
deadpool is a training alliance for the Coalition of Deadpool Alliances (CODA), players with 500+ crowns can transfer to other alliances in the coalition (players with sufficient crowns may also be transferred by being kicked from one alliance and invited to another, so please let us know in chat if you wish to remain at deadpool permanently, or you may be transferred). Other rules are:
Donate only horses to your age level and below.
Help us build wonders.
Share replays/retrys for others to learn from.
Help other players with advice, support, etc.
If you need help, ask for it in chat.
Those that contribute by doing all of the above might be promoted to Lord.
Inactive 14 days=Kick!
Most of all, have fun!!!
Emperor of deadpool
Thanks, Cossack Menace for posting this.
Emperor of deadpool