Hi! Come on in! Turn on the cool tunes and click on all the yellow links on this page!!!

Friday, September 02, 2016

Welcome to the official page of CODA (Coalition of Deadpool Alliances)!!!

This website is for all current and prospective members of the alliances in our Coalition. If you are a first time visitor here, please feel free to look around, we have links and posts, in several languages, for the benefit of all AoE:CS players. (All visitors may leave comments in the Comments section at the bottom of each post)

We are a coalition of AoE:CS alliances created for the purpose of mutual cooperation, support and communication between our clans.Currently, all of our alliances are named Deadpool (but, with different letters in caps, then there is ДЭДПУЛ for russian speakers) and have yellow and red shields (if you look for Deadpool in Alliance Search, all the clans on that list with yellow and red shields are our members). One immediate benefit of CODA for all our alliances is that with every new member alliance that joins CODA, all of us increase our potential recruiting capacity by 50. Another benefit is that all players in the CODA membership can communicate (share experience, strategies, advice, chimichangas,etc.) with players outside their own alliance. The biggest, and most obvious benefit for all players in the member alliances is the opportunity to enhance and improve their individual gameplay, so that they can increase their crown counts, loot more resources and have a more supportive gaming environment.(There are a number of other benefits, but to find out what those are, you would have to stick around, chat, explore the links and Blog posts on this page, etc.)

Players looking for an alliance to join are welcome to read the rules for all our alliances (just click on the name of an alliance, above) and decide which one would be the best one for you (region, language, playing style, etc.). The easiest way to find the alliance you want to join in Alliance Search is to search for that alliance's Emperor by Player Name (see the list of CODA Members in the sidebar), then Visit that alliance and Join.

Emperors considering joining their alliances to CODA, please read the CODA Manifesto and Treaty (link will be posted in a few days) and if you have any questions, you can post them in Comments.

All visitors are welcome to use the Chat
. Currently, we are using the CODA Chat thread on the AoE:CS Alliances Chat Forum (you need to have a forum account to sign in, it only takes a minute to set up by using the same Microsoft account that you use for the game). . Emperors and trusted Lords will be invited to join Emperor's Chat upon request (much better looking strippers in Emp's Chat, the rest of you can be jealous, we don't mind).

Emperors and Lords of member alliances can also Post announcements and/or advice in the Blog section of this page (please click on the "How to Create A Post" link in the tutorials at the bottom of this page and watch a short video). 

While visiting here, please abide by the Code of Conduct employed by the AoE:CS Forum. That means--No Trolling!!!

Have Fun!!! Siege On!!! And may all your enemies need to wear the "brown pants"!!!

This page is still under construction, so if you don't see what you are looking for right now, please come back at a later date, it just might be here then :D

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