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Saturday, September 03, 2016

dEadPool (South America) Rules and Suggestions

(Para Versão em Português, clique aqui.)

Welcome, for better gameplay and progress of all alliance members, here are some my suggestions:

Build a Watch Signal (Fortifications) in the Age 4: it allows us to donate troops to your defense. Donated troops are only for defense, they can not be used to attack, so if your signal is full, there is no way to send additional troops. If you want to donate troops to other members, donate troops to  players of an Age equal to yours, or lower. The reason for this is that higher Age players are attacked by stronger players, thus, stronger troops are desired for better defense.
Build an Embassy (Military) in the Age 5: Embassies allow you to see the progress of construction of Wonders and donate resources for them. There are also contributions that are made when you attack, which are necessary to complete the construction. These do not require donations, but you must have an Embassy so that attack's contribution is added to the construction.
: in other games in the AoE series were called Wonderland. They provide skills, extra resources and protection for all alliance members. Please contribute to speed up their construction.
Order in which to build and upgrade buildings: defensive structures (walls and towers), troopbuildings, resources (stock first and then the production).
The best way to get resources, crowns and pennants is to ATTACK!
Defensive strategy: build walls around your castle (all the buildings), protect your Keep (it keeps most of the resources and destroying it ensures attacker's victory), then protect resource storage structures, after the temple and university (pennants). Military structures need not be defended because it ensures low percentage to the attacker and few resources. Place the military camps away from the castle, they disappear during the attack, but if an attacking player sees their position near the castle, he will know where there are no traps.
Economic strategy: build roads to the fortress. Each road generates three gold per day. Gold allows you train troops instantly and speed up constructions / fast updates. Save as much gold until later Ages, above 5th and 6th. Use the maximum capacity (4/4) to build. If you have resources left over, donate to the Monuments, if you still have more, build some honor item before going offline for a long time, with few resources it is less likely that anyone would want to attack you. While building, upgrade units and do research in the Temple and the University. Always leave troops training before leaving.
To change your gamertag: go to social>alliances>friends page and click the green arrow to go to xbox live, log in with your microsoft account and click on your avatar>customize>change gamertag. You can do this once for free.
The LORDS: invite players from your league who are without alliance. Donate troops to players with levels lower than yours and contribute to the building of Wonders.
All PLAYERS: Players who go more than 14 days without logging in or attack only 3 times a week will be Kicked Out. If you have to depart for more than two weeks, leave a message in in-game chat or in comments below this post
Use the Wiki and the links that are on this site, they are very useful to learn more about the AoE: Castle Siege.
dEadPool languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian.Thank you very much,


Emperor dEeadPool

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