DeADpOOL (North America) Rules
This alliance is focused on the betterment of the alliance first. Work on building your keep, but help others out. This can be in the form of donating troops and items toward the wonder. You can also share strategies for attack and defense as well as visiting members in the alliance to suggest ways to improve.
There should be a balance in upgrading your keep and bettering the alliance. Please find that balance, so we can make progress on wonders and keep our alliance members stocked with relief troops.
Troop donations should be mounted troops only. It's pointless to donate foot troops if they can't get to the fight before it's over. If everybody is doing their part with troop donations, then level 9's should be able to get commensurate level of relief troops. A level 2 cavalry donation is appreciated for a level 9 defense, but doesn't do much but slow down the attacker (beggers can't be choosers). Please donate!
Build your embassy.
If you've been inactive for 20 days, you get the boot to make room for a new, more active recruits.
Promotion to Lord was previously based on number of attacks. I'm sticking with the betterment of the alliance aspect. The crowns don't mean much if we aren't growing our own alliance mates. So, promotion to Lord is now based on what you are doing for the alliance. Donate troops, resources, lend advice, be active in chat, etc... That's a leader and deserves the position.
Demotion from Lord is justified if you are not actively recruiting, donating resources, troops, and/or giving advice. Keep true to what made you eligible for promotion.
Make it fun. Socialize. Crack some jokes. Get to know each other. Make it fun.
Build a great alliance.
If we take care of each other and grow each other, we will be stronger and the crowns will grow.