Hi! Come on in! Turn on the cool tunes and click on all the yellow links on this page!!!

Thursday, September 08, 2016

DeADpOOL (North America) Rules

This alliance is focused on the betterment of the alliance first.  Work on building your keep, but help others out.  This can be in the form of donating troops and items toward the wonder.  You can also share strategies for attack and defense as well as visiting members in the alliance to suggest ways to improve. 

There should be a balance in upgrading your keep and bettering the alliance.  Please find that balance, so we can make progress on wonders and keep our alliance members stocked with relief troops.

Troop donations should be mounted troops only.  It's pointless to donate foot troops if they can't get to the fight before it's over.  If everybody is doing their part with troop donations, then level 9's should be able to get commensurate level of relief troops.  A level 2 cavalry donation is appreciated for a level 9 defense, but doesn't do much but slow down the attacker (beggers can't be choosers).  Please donate!

Build your embassy. 

If you've been inactive for 20 days, you get the boot to make room for a new, more active recruits. 

Promotion to Lord was previously based on number of attacks.  I'm sticking with the betterment of the alliance aspect.  The crowns don't mean much if we aren't growing our own alliance mates.  So, promotion to Lord is now based on what you are doing for the alliance.  Donate troops, resources, lend advice, be active in chat, etc...  That's a leader and deserves the position.

Demotion from Lord is justified if you are not actively recruiting, donating resources, troops, and/or giving advice.  Keep true to what made you eligible for promotion.

Alright ENOUGH RULES!!! 

Make it fun.  Socialize.  Crack some jokes.  Get to know each other.  Make it fun.

Build a great alliance.

If we take care of each other and grow each other, we will be stronger and the crowns will grow.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

dEadPool (South America) Rules and Suggestions

(Para Versão em Português, clique aqui.)

Welcome, for better gameplay and progress of all alliance members, here are some my suggestions:

Build a Watch Signal (Fortifications) in the Age 4: it allows us to donate troops to your defense. Donated troops are only for defense, they can not be used to attack, so if your signal is full, there is no way to send additional troops. If you want to donate troops to other members, donate troops to  players of an Age equal to yours, or lower. The reason for this is that higher Age players are attacked by stronger players, thus, stronger troops are desired for better defense.
Build an Embassy (Military) in the Age 5: Embassies allow you to see the progress of construction of Wonders and donate resources for them. There are also contributions that are made when you attack, which are necessary to complete the construction. These do not require donations, but you must have an Embassy so that attack's contribution is added to the construction.
: in other games in the AoE series were called Wonderland. They provide skills, extra resources and protection for all alliance members. Please contribute to speed up their construction.
Order in which to build and upgrade buildings: defensive structures (walls and towers), troopbuildings, resources (stock first and then the production).
The best way to get resources, crowns and pennants is to ATTACK!
Defensive strategy: build walls around your castle (all the buildings), protect your Keep (it keeps most of the resources and destroying it ensures attacker's victory), then protect resource storage structures, after the temple and university (pennants). Military structures need not be defended because it ensures low percentage to the attacker and few resources. Place the military camps away from the castle, they disappear during the attack, but if an attacking player sees their position near the castle, he will know where there are no traps.
Economic strategy: build roads to the fortress. Each road generates three gold per day. Gold allows you train troops instantly and speed up constructions / fast updates. Save as much gold until later Ages, above 5th and 6th. Use the maximum capacity (4/4) to build. If you have resources left over, donate to the Monuments, if you still have more, build some honor item before going offline for a long time, with few resources it is less likely that anyone would want to attack you. While building, upgrade units and do research in the Temple and the University. Always leave troops training before leaving.
To change your gamertag: go to social>alliances>friends page and click the green arrow to go to xbox live, log in with your microsoft account and click on your avatar>customize>change gamertag. You can do this once for free.
The LORDS: invite players from your league who are without alliance. Donate troops to players with levels lower than yours and contribute to the building of Wonders.
All PLAYERS: Players who go more than 14 days without logging in or attack only 3 times a week will be Kicked Out. If you have to depart for more than two weeks, leave a message in in-game chat or in comments below this post
Use the Wiki and the links that are on this site, they are very useful to learn more about the AoE: Castle Siege.
dEadPool languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian.Thank you very much,


Emperor dEeadPool

Friday, September 02, 2016

How to Change Your Gamertag

There are 2 methods to change your Gamertag:

1) The easiest way to change your GT is to go to Xbox.com>Profile>Change Gamertag.

2) To Change your Gamertag In-Game: go to Social>Alliances>Friends and click on the green arrow at top of page to Sign In to Xbox Live with your Microsoft account, go to Profile and click on Change Gamertag.

Warning! Xbox only lets you change your Gamertag for free the first time, so chose one carefully before you click on 'Accept', you can use up to 15 characters.

Welcome to the official page of CODA (Coalition of Deadpool Alliances)!!!

This website is for all current and prospective members of the alliances in our Coalition. If you are a first time visitor here, please feel free to look around, we have links and posts, in several languages, for the benefit of all AoE:CS players. (All visitors may leave comments in the Comments section at the bottom of each post)

We are a coalition of AoE:CS alliances created for the purpose of mutual cooperation, support and communication between our clans.Currently, all of our alliances are named Deadpool (but, with different letters in caps, then there is ДЭДПУЛ for russian speakers) and have yellow and red shields (if you look for Deadpool in Alliance Search, all the clans on that list with yellow and red shields are our members). One immediate benefit of CODA for all our alliances is that with every new member alliance that joins CODA, all of us increase our potential recruiting capacity by 50. Another benefit is that all players in the CODA membership can communicate (share experience, strategies, advice, chimichangas,etc.) with players outside their own alliance. The biggest, and most obvious benefit for all players in the member alliances is the opportunity to enhance and improve their individual gameplay, so that they can increase their crown counts, loot more resources and have a more supportive gaming environment.(There are a number of other benefits, but to find out what those are, you would have to stick around, chat, explore the links and Blog posts on this page, etc.)

Players looking for an alliance to join are welcome to read the rules for all our alliances (just click on the name of an alliance, above) and decide which one would be the best one for you (region, language, playing style, etc.). The easiest way to find the alliance you want to join in Alliance Search is to search for that alliance's Emperor by Player Name (see the list of CODA Members in the sidebar), then Visit that alliance and Join.

Emperors considering joining their alliances to CODA, please read the CODA Manifesto and Treaty (link will be posted in a few days) and if you have any questions, you can post them in Comments.

All visitors are welcome to use the Chat
. Currently, we are using the CODA Chat thread on the AoE:CS Alliances Chat Forum (you need to have a forum account to sign in, it only takes a minute to set up by using the same Microsoft account that you use for the game). . Emperors and trusted Lords will be invited to join Emperor's Chat upon request (much better looking strippers in Emp's Chat, the rest of you can be jealous, we don't mind).

Emperors and Lords of member alliances can also Post announcements and/or advice in the Blog section of this page (please click on the "How to Create A Post" link in the tutorials at the bottom of this page and watch a short video). 

While visiting here, please abide by the Code of Conduct employed by the AoE:CS Forum. That means--No Trolling!!!

Have Fun!!! Siege On!!! And may all your enemies need to wear the "brown pants"!!!

This page is still under construction, so if you don't see what you are looking for right now, please come back at a later date, it just might be here then :D

DEADPOOL (International) Rules

Welcome to DEADPOOL! We have no minimum crown limit or age requirement, all active players are welcome. All 3 wonders are at level 2

We are an international alliance and therefore mostly use English as our common language (bad English is OK) in chat and announcements. We also have members who speak Spanish, German, French, Greek, Russian, Mandarin (Chinese) and a few others, but to help build a sense of community within the alliance it is preferred (though, not required) that non-English speakers use translation software (such as, Google Translate).

The requirements for joining and remaining in our alliance are:

1) Active players only, You must attack more than once per day. So, if the number of battles you fought while in the alliance does not exceed the number of days you have been a member, you need to make up the difference as soon as possible or risk being asked to join another alliance in our coalition with less demanding requirements, and/or summarily Kicked Out. 

2)14 days without logging in = Kicked Out!!!
We all have real lives outside of AoE:CS so it is understandable that occasionally players need to be away from the game to tend to those lives, so if you expect not to able to log on or attack for more than 14 days please let either the Emperor or one of the Lords know, because we wouldn't want to boot you by accident.

3) Donate only mounted troops to your level and below. In our alliance players shouldn't have to request troops through their Watch Signal, so please regularly check the alliance page and donate to all who need it. You can donate troops to players 1 level above yours, but no more than 1 level, because age 5 troops only clutter up an age 7 player's Watch Signal with weak troops. Many players make a mistake of assuming that the best troops for attacks are also the best for defense and that is why it is  important to donate only mounted troops (highest level Cavalry, Mamluks, Templars and Grenadiers are preferred), because foot troops are too slow (especially Teutonic Knights, very strong but veeery slow).
Also, if you see a player with capacity for an even number of troops in their Watch Signal who has an uneven number of troops there, please don't add single units of foot troops, so after u gave them horses and there is still 1 spot left (for ex., only 9 out of 10 spots are filled) leave it alone.

Attention, AoE:CS does not allow us to donate troops for your attacks (troops are for defense only), so please do not pester other players with requests for reinforcements (especially when your Watch Signal is full).

4) Age 5+ players must build an Embassy. An age 5+ player without an embassy only uses up other players reinforcement troops, and does not contribute anything (even passively) to the alliance and, therefore has no business being in one. So, please build an embassy as soon as possible after reaching age 5.

5) Chat. Socializing with other players is not a requirement, but at times it is necessary for the Emperor and other players to be able to talk to you (perhaps, to help you with your gameplay), so please check the chat page regularly, say 'Hi' when you log into the game and feel free to join any conversations already in progress, especially if someone is saying 'Hi' to you.
Also, please read announcements when they are posted and respond accordingly.

The most important rule is:HAVE FUN!!! This is only an f-ing game, after all, and our alliance is called DEADPOOL, you know--after the crazy Merc with a Mouth.So, if you are joining our clan to just hate everything about the game, please go somewhere else where you can have a better time.

Lords :

Promotion to Lord is based on contribution. Lords can invite new players to the alliance, kick out Nobles and post announcements. Currently, the maximum number of Lords is fixed at 15, once that number is filled up, I may consider increasing it.The ways you can contribute are:

1) Donate troops to others.
2) Donate resources for Wonders.
3) Invite new players.
4) Chat.
5) Share replays, advice and information.

Conditions 1) and-2) are mandatory for all Lords, 10 days without donating troops and/or resources and you will be demoted. Also if you are not inviting people from your league or defense logs, why do you need to be a Lord? In other words, please be an actively contributing member of the alliance.

Cossack Menace

Emperor of DEADPOOL (International)